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Rattlesnake Season

It's Rattlesnake Season so keep a careful eye on your dogs, cats, and horses. As of mid-May we have already treated 3 snake bite cases at Middletown Animal Hospital.  If your animal has been bit, call us right away as the faster treatment is started the better. 

rattlesnake bite to a dog  snake bite to face  

snake bite to dog's face   snake bite puppy

Here are some examples of patients who were bit by a rattlesnake. Luckily they were brought to the hospital for treatment right away. Every snake bite is different and we never know how much venom is deposited with a bite. The skin becomes necrotic and if left untreated, we have seen animals die a month after a bite.  Middletown Animal Hospital carries Rattlesnake Vaccine that, when properly boostered, allows you to buy more time to get treatment and potential lessons the reaction. It is best to booster this vaccine right before "rattlesnake season" in the Spring.

Snake, Rattle, and Roll—Watch Out Dogs, Cats, and Foals!

It’s summertime!  It’s hot and dry--the perfect conditions for the rattlesnakes to be out and about. While pursuing outdoor activities like taking our dogs to the lake, playing out in the backyard, or riding our horses on the trail, it is also important to keep an eye out for rattlesnakes.  Be aware that rattlesnakes are out there, they are dangerous, and we need to know what to do in case our animals become victims.

A rattlesnake bite is deadly because of its venom.  Venom rapidly disables prey and initiates digestion of the tissue.  Its main actions kill cells, cause damage to the vasculature, muscle, and nerves, as well as creates clotting abnormalities.  Venom can cause your pet to go into shock and bleed to death.  Interestingly death can occur within minutes, hours, days,or even weeks. Venom’s actions may have long-lasting effects if not neutralized.  Each bite is unique because the amount of venom injected and the sensitivity to that venom varies greatly.

Although an animal can be bitten anywhere on its body, the most common sites are the face or the feet.  The most common sign is rapid swelling of the site and surrounding tissue with two small black dots visible (the fang marks). While one pet may have severe swelling within 30-60 minutes, others may be less noticeable and only show progression after 6-8 hours.  However, either case is an emergency and should be seen by a veterinarian immediately!  Other signs are:  bruised gums, severe pain, lethargy, shock, and black or sloughing skin.

Horses are the most sensitive of all the domestic animals to rattlesnake venom.   Horses bitten on the muzzle are in danger of suffocating if their nostrils swell shut—this is because horses cannot breath through their mouths.  In this case, your veterinarian may instruct you tie the horse’s head in an elevated position and to place 10” pieces of garden hose up the nostrils.  It is critical to be able to do this because it could mean the difference between life and death for your horse.  In all instances, get a veterinarian as soon as you can!

Rattlesnake bites can be deadly in humans and pets and treatment after a bite is always necessary.  The ONLY treatment that neutralizes snake venom and gives an animal the best chance of survival is anti-venom.  There are other medical treatments that veterinarians will perform for supportive care, but the number one treatment is antivenom! Even if a pet was bitten two days prior, the antivenom is still beneficial—it can be used up to 60 hours post-envenomation.  Be prepared, however, because antivenomis the most expensive drug in a veterinary hospital—about $900 per vial!

If you have any question as to whether your pet has been the victim of a rattlesnake bite, please do not wait or hesitate to call your veterinarian.  Animals can still succumb to snakebites even if seen immediately and given antivenom, but their best chance is rapid treatment.  Other helpful tips are:  keep your pet inside during the hottest and driest parts of the day, walk the other way if you hear a rattlesnake (this often sounds like water hissing from a pipe!), and ask your veterinarian about the benefits of the rattlesnake vaccine. 

Rattlesnakes may be found throughout California’s natural environment, wherever dogs live, work and play.  In a summer that is witnessing an epidemic of rattlesnake encounters throughout California, scientists at Red Rock Biologics have invented a vaccine, which provides protection for dogs and horses (not cats) against rattlesnake venom.

Although the vaccine is available for use in any dog, Jim Wallis, President of Red Rock Biologics, notes it is especially useful for dogs that are taken hiking or camping.  “Dogs are often bitten by rattlesnakes when they are some distance from the nearest veterinary care,” he said.  “Sometimes a dog owner may not even be immediately aware their dog has been bitten.”

According to Wallis, the vaccine represents a significant advantage over the existing use of antivenom to treat dogs for snakebite injury.  The vaccine generates a protective immunity to help prevent venom intoxication.  “Antibodies working against the venom are already present in vaccinated dogs.” he said.  “Dogs that are not vaccinated have to wait until they get to a veterinary clinic.”

When dogs do get antivenom it comes with a steep bill and a higher risk of side effects.  A single vial can cost $943, and one to several vials may be needed to treat a bitten dog.  Side effects may include potentially life threatening allergic reactions.  The vaccine circumvents these disadvantages by reducing or eliminating the requirement for antivenom in vaccinated dogs.

Vaccines against the rattlesnake bite are technically challenging because snake venom has as many as fifteen to twenty distinct toxic components. The Red Rock vaccine, which is available here at Middletown Animal Hospital, is believed to be the first vaccine commercially available for protection against snakebite.  If you have further questions or concerns about the rattlesnake vaccine please schedule an appointment with one of our 3 doctors who would be happy to discuss it further.  We believe it is effective and because Lake County has rattlesnakes everywhere, we recommend that owners vaccinate prior to Spring to ensure the most protection.  After the 30 day booster it will be boostered annually but will lose effectiveness toward the end of that 12 months.  That is why we recommend giving it in the Spring.

For additional information, Please Contact Middletown Animal Hospital.

707 987-2000

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